My Videos

Thursday, July 1, 2010


A grand welcome to Rosey!  Thanks for following my blog!

Remember that baby pea?

Well within a couple days it grew to finger's length.  So yesterday as I did my morning walk-a-bout in the garden... I honestly couldn't help myself!

Not only did I eat THAT one baby pea... but another!  I plucked them... both... and when no one was looking... into my mouth they both went!  he... he...

I couldn't help myself.... such beautiful tender pea pods.....  grin...  Ah... the joys of gardening!


  1. I love snacking on pea pods and beans while in the garden!

  2. I do that too! After all, who can resist a garden sweet pea! :)

  3. Now that is quite a welcome! Thanks, Toni, for following me as well.

    I did the same thing with a strawberry last night. I thought it was better for me to eat it than a mouse.

  4. They are so hard to resist. Eating peas straight from the garden is the best!


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