Then the lightening started... long streaks lighting up the darkened sky followed by loud, "jump out of your seat" cracks of thunder.
The rain was propelled sideways by a driving wind as it poured down upon my metal roof like a waterfall onto the ground!
Now... The sky has brightened a bit and the wind has calmed. Rain continues to come down but more gently....
Garden additions:
Stopped by the greenhouse today... purchased:
-1 Spaghetti Squash (planted!)
-2 Red Bell Peppers (planted!)
-2 Green Bell Peppers (planted!)
-2 Oregano plants (planted in a clay pot!)
-2 beautiful Red Geraniums (planted!)
That's quite a view, even if it's stormy. Spaghetti squash? Blech! I tried it and didn't like it.....