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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't BLOW away garden, please

Been a wet & windy late spring here in northern Wyoming.

Please garden... don't blow away!!!

HGTV had a good post on Facebook this morning about growing tomatoes in a short season.  I think that we'll be having a short growing season this year...

In the HGTV article they list some good heirlooms to try for short season.

Wind wind go away... come again... um... NEVER!

OK... we need the wind to dry up the extra moisture... I mean puddles from the 1/2 inch of rain that we received last night.  And we need the wind to blow in some better weather.

Sure is a windy one today.  I'm NOT complaining...


  1. I was sure HGTV had given up on gardening. Thanks for the information.
    I read your blog because I can't imagine having to do a garden where you live. The views are lovely, I enjoy visiting, but it must be so hard to actually live there.

  2. Hi Patricia! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

    No, it's not difficult to live here. We have a lot of very nice dry, wind-free days. We're actually very grateful for all the moisture.

    Patricia, what state are you in?

  3. I live in California, just about 60 miles north of San Francisco in "wine country" where we have a very moderated climate, even when it is extreme it doesn't compare to other places I have lived... New York, Kansas, New Jersey or even Georgia. Nor is it as all-the-same-most-of-the-time as Hawaii. It is nice place to land for the last half of life.

  4. Sounds like a beautiful place to live Patricia! I'm originally from a suburb of Boston, been in Wyoming since fall 2003. I love the sunshine here... and the sunsets... and the quiet (when the wind isn't blowing!).

    PS... Took the dog out at 10pm... the wind finally died down. My poor plants!!!!

  5. Glad the wind finally died down. I feel for your garen, mine also deals with heavy winds. It is very windy here almost every evening, sundowner winds.


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