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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Seeds Purchased so far...

Royal Burgundy bush beans (grew these in 2010... such a pretty bean!)
Red Salad Bowl Lettuce
Henderson's Bush Lima Beans
Bloomsdale Savory Spinach
Extra Early Sparkler Radish (a favorite from last year!)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Still Winter in Wyoming...

Here in northern Wyoming, it's still winter!  It's been a pretty mild winter for the most part though... in hind sight... wish that I had done my  little winter cold frame project this year!  I could have grown greens all winter long!

Gosh... I am behind.  Don't have any seeds ordered yet!

This winter photo is from a few years ago.

I'm inspired by this homemade seed starting setup...

I'm dreaming about having a better seed starting operation... this looks good!