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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My very ambitious SFG plan

I've made a notecard for each of plants... I have a quite a stack of cards now!
Here's an example of my Roma notecard:

Tomato-Roma Bush V (for Veggie)
Seeded inside: 4/15 - 40 (plants)
Spacing: 2' (Mel says 9 square feet)
Harvest: 85-90 days... Late July

My notecards will help me when I do my planting... and help me to know approximately when to harvest.

Then I needed help to determine how many squares I was going to need... so I grabbed my notecards and started entering everything into a spreadsheet. Wow... I'm going to need 35 4x4 beds!

This is by far the most ambitious gardening plan I have EVER EVER attempted! What fun!

View my plan here: How many squares do I need?

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