My Videos

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tomato Harvest... and more Royal Burgundy Beans

I harvested enough Royal Burgundy beans for 2 family meals today!!!  I love the color of these beans!  Um... burgundy is my favorite color!

When you cook them... they turn green!

I had a fantastic Tomato harvest today!!!!!

Included in this harvest:
-Viva Italia (paste tomato)
-Lemon boy
-Sweet Tangerine

The tomato that I'm pointing to is the Sweet Tangerine (looks like I could have left it on the vine just a little longer... but I was so anxious to pick it and eat it!!!).  The little yellow tomato is a Lemon Boy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, when you cook them, they turn green? I've never had burgundy beans before. Do they taste just like pole beans?


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