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Saturday, July 16, 2011

An Underground Greenhouse?

I was doing some research on Food Storage and Gardening... when I came across a link with details on building your own underground greenhouse!

I thought that it was so cool that I wanted to share it with you!  I never really thought of having a below ground greenhouse... but I'll tell you what... it would solve our wind issue... and it would be like our geothermal system in that you have the warmth of the ground temperature during the winter... and the coolness during the summer!

Here's the link: Underground Greenhouse

No, I'm not jumping right on this and getting it done... but I will be thinking about it!

1 comment:

  1. Your link goes into great detail about building an underground La Paz, Bolivia! I've been looking for plans designed for Wyoming (I don't want to do the math to convert for the opposite hemisphere!)


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