My Videos

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

To all my dear gardening friends,

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
I hope that some of your garden goodies find their way to your Thanksgiving table!

Sadly... only beets will make it for us...


  1. I'm thinking I may get a salad, but I'm wondering if you should really serve a sald or if I'm better off buying some beans or the like.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
    We'll be eating some of those green beans I grudgingly froze---YEA!!
    And potatoes and onions and squash. Nothing fresh from the garden though!

  3. We'll be having pumpkin pie, sweet potato casserole, and green beans - all from the garden. Yay! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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