My Videos

Friday, July 31, 2009

Is that a bee?

A pretty hollyhock just outside the door of our little rental house. Anyone want hollyhock seeds? I'll be happy to share! Just shoot me off an email (
We're having a terrible grasshopper problem again this year. No raspberries for us... they've defoliated all of my plants...
This is my female cat, Katie. She follows me everywhere! She even eats grasshoppers... but NOT enough.

Got a favorite way to deal with these buggers?

PS... sorry no garden overview video today. It's turned stormy with lots of wind... and hopefully some rain! Maybe later...


  1. I just noticed how terrible our grasshopper problem was today. Goodness, they're everywhere. I don't know how else to manage them besides going on a stomp parade.

  2. What a beautiful kitty! I miss my little buddy....Grasshoppers can do some serious damage, so I'd use the sevin if possible.

  3. Hi Ribbit-thanks for stopping by!

    EG-I'll look up sevin. Thanks for the suggestion.

  4. My cats eat grasshoppers too! I used to think it was just the little one but I saw the big one pounce one the other day!

  5. Get yourself some chickens, Toni! They eat TONS of grasshoppers......and give you the freshest, most wonderful eggs in return!!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Well I grew up in Colorado, so I've seen grasshoppers. Not here though. We might get one or two a year. Not the hordes you find out west.

    My mom dealt with them pretty easily. She surrounded three sides of her garden with birds. Turkeys got two sides. The geese and the ducks got another side. They are really good at eating them all, or at least enough that nothing gets eaten to the ground. And the good part is, those annoying grasshoppers are feeding you.

  7. Katie is a darling!

    We had a horrible grasshopper year about 8 years ago when we lived in central Washington state. They stripped everything that was green including our apple trees of all their leaves. It was a disaster. I think the bird solution would be the best option if possible.

  8. Hi Toni, Thanks for stopping by my blog. You square foot garden looks awesome! The hollyhock is gorgeous! I'm drooling over that one. -Jackie


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